Day 20,287 My silly mashup mockup of Man-Thing-Thing. “Whoever knows fear burns at the touch of clobberin’ time!” Theodore Benjamin J. Sallis Grimm. Happy Super Blue Sturgeon Moon! #manthingmonday #manthing #thething #mashup #bengrimm #tedsallis #manthingthing #toymaker

Day 20,287 – Super Blue Moon!

Here are some of the non-book goodies from our trip to @blacksburg_books last Friday. A Loveland Frogman “Live Laugh Lurk” pin from @tokuarts , and an assortment of nifty stickers, including WTF (Where’s the food) with fat tabby, Haints & Hollers Appalachia, Mothman reading on an Appalachian Prison Book Project charity sticker, and a good ol’ gnome. Actual book acquisitions to follow eventually. #cryptid #lovelandfrogman #mothman #gnome #tabbycat #haintsandhollers #wtf