Well, Midnight’s approaching, and we all know which is the time that the dead rise from the grave to feast on flesh and month-old miracle whip.

from To Mock a Killing Bird

As Freddie the falcon flew home with his belly empty again he heard the other falcons taunt him with “You couldn’t catch a mouse if it was blind!” and “Ha, you call yourself a raptor!” and worst of all, “Put some nail polish on your talons, sissy boy!”

Time for Scotto to go to bed… busy daytomorrow! Sweet dreams to any and all.

want to see some pictures from my day today? You can click on the thumbnails to see them get bigger. 🙂

Danny and I went out to Breakfast, Costco, Dave & Busters, and Whispering Pines Cemetary. The Cemetary is recent… no real sense of history, but still lovely as far as a boneyard goes. many fountains, carvings, mausoleums and tombs of current day. I’ll upload more later….I want to play with sepias, black and white… filter-boy. I want to work out how simplifies some of his shots so beautifully.

Who goes there? – Big Newt Pic

Day one of official Vacation!

Walkies went fine, little time to trim and tweak the pictures, but more will be forthcoming later upon my return.

I dreamed I saw myself shaving in the mirror last night, and I seem to remember being older. There was a fire-barrel outside, and I am sure I recall the strong scent of cedar wood burning. I was in a similar bathroom to my own, but I feel that it was more North.

Sitting tight now, watching the tube, waiting for Danny to get here. I expect he’ll be along in another 20 minutes or so. He’s running late, because he was up until 2am grading papers.

Following the war, Patton was questioned about the “push button bombs” and the technological advances made in weaponry. He declares adamantly that there is no glory, no heroes, and no cowards in that kind of battle. He expresses thanks that he wouldn’t live to see that kind of warfare. You know… we still haven’t gotten to that point yet, and I’m glad. A war is an awful enough thing without removing the last vestige of humanity from it.