Had a nice night out with Dan… Thai & sushi at the cove, good conversation. A pleasant time.

I come home tonight, and get a note in my mailbox from the new landlady telling me that I need to sign a new lease effective July 1 (two weeks from now) jumping my rent $125 more a month if I go yearly, or $175 more a month if I decide to stay on a month-to-month basis. To heck with that. I’m looking for a new place to stay in earnest, starting tomorrow. I know where that newfound bro-money is going to, now. Not into her pockets, surely… it’ll become a new security to add to my new place.

It’s a shame, but that amount is simply unacceptable for the neighborhood. for that price I could get a two bedroom. I hope I don’t have to deal with any other nonsense this month and can get my security deposit back with little difficulty.

via apartments.com, I already have about five decent options, and one allows pets right in the ad… not to mention this neighborhood has for rent signs up everywhere. I should’ve seen this coming, but I was hoping that she’d maintain the thinnest veneer of civility. too bad for her… she’s losing a quiet tenant that pays on time. I know the old landlord will write me a lovely recommendation. In a way, I’m glad it came to this… at least now I have an objective and know where I stand.

I’m overdue to hit the sack… more to follow tomorrow, dear journal. I’m off to meet up with my sweetheart in dreamland.

ugh, intruders.

More thunderstorms, so no walkies today.

New Landlady came by today… this morning at 7am, knocked on my door as I was soaking up lovely rainstorm nap-thoughts with Newt on my neck. I guess some guy is coming by today and the rest of next week to do some renovating…. replacing the doors so they all match, painting, window screens, etc. I didn’t even know the deal had gone through, yet but my “old landlords” are out of the country for a week on business, and I can’t get hold of them. I wonder if what the new lady is doing is ethical or even legal.

She didn’t like when I told her that she’s going to have to have me present for when any workmen are here… I don’t want Newtie getting out while I’m at work, and I’m gun-shy about new people roaming my halls when I’m not home anyhow.

I’ve posted a new sign on my door for the workers… “No entry unless occupant is home and lets you in”

My fear is that my request will go ignored by uncaring or illiterate types. I’m thinking that Newtie may be holed up in my bedroom for a while, just in case.

Some stupidity