The problem with having a lot of photography journals on your friends list is that some folks just don’t lj-cut images that are extra wide.
Interesting new feature on lj… a list of folks popular with your friends. Who you might be interested in…The following friends are listed often by your friends, but not by you…
Hmm… certainly a little accounting for taste, there. I’d say that there are about three people on that list that I enjoy seeing “around”… and there are about fifteen people on there that I’m not crazy about… had on my list for a while, or know by indirect connection. There are a few wildcards though. Some folks I don’t know at all are – debby, rillifane, thistimearound, coutlaw, gozar and beckmermaid. Oddly, the only community was
I’m glad that it seems that the snipers in Maryland have been caught… I hope that’s the end of that horrible stress. One less thing for folks to worry about. That’s a layer of the onionskin I can peel off. I hope that decompression continues… I feel a couple of weights remaining to be lifted.
I really like the Salem police department’s shoulder patch. That’s the real logo.
Random Scotto factoid – I associate scarecrows with ghosts, but I don’t think of them as frightening. I feel that it’s the arms outstretched perpendicular, strikes me more like a waiting and friendly embrace rather than something that’s been crucified. Perhaps the ghost vibe comes from the old clothes involved in the production I think. The last costume I wore was a scarecrow, going to see Lenny Kravitz with Nicole and Heather… (They were The Wicked Witch and Dorothy, by the way… Both looked outstanding. I still have the floppy hat that I wore, somewhere.) I got some nice compliments when I went out with those two…”Way to go! Lucky Man!” People tended to assume I was dating one or both of them. They were funny… they’d make up stories about me, and then start to believe them… because of something I might have said offhand. I’d feed their imagination by never confirming or denying anything, instead, just leaving open-ended questions with replies that instead raised more queries.
Sweet dreams, dear journal. Or in the words of my pet skeleton…
and when I say good night
the pictures in my head
will dance around the room
and frolic in my bed
and when I say good day
they hide behind my eyes
waiting for the dreaming
to bring them back to life