Woke up at a reasonable time this morning…only slept for about four hours.
I want to bring the term “Jive Turkey” back into regular acceptable usage.
It’s not racist, sexist, or vulgar (as far as I know)… and it’s goofy enough to make sure that there is a minimum of hard feelings.
If I annoyed someone with my opinion, and he or she petulantly muttered “Jive Turkey”… I don’t think I’d mind much. I’d probably laugh, and ask for their take on what was being said.
Another term I’ve not heard in a while is “Neutron Bomb”. Has all research into those things stopped? Are they still feasible, but just not the trendy weapon of destruction, now that bioweapons are popular?
a year ago – how to diaper a monkey, (dead link), newt meds, holiday prezzies, hoogerbrugge, midget village, shopping, eclipse.
two years ago – noodles, sweetie showed me bejeweled, Dan stress, Jell-O flavors, snot production.
Feeling creaky… off to the showers with me!