taxi neon
virginia mot
tigger the navigator looks like toonces
found in bhk’s raincoat – popcorn bag from halloween duty at edgar allan poe’s gravesite!
cypress swamp
off to mt vernon this morning! i haven’t been on wmata since before xmas!
Mon –
dream about bus trip to japan, on the run
new license again – md, handicapped hang tags, piercing headache returns
reminiscing about back in high school – doodling “class of ’92” on graph paper for the apple ][+, back in ’84.
roof gutter fix, grilling with neighbors/inlaws
bhk tummy issues continue
Bro Caught shoplifting from starbucks?
Continue reading bro again
..nd new bag? or just a bra?
Fri – 10:30am doctors appointment
disabled parking-allergies-insurance running out-blinding headaches