Miss Pearl enjoying her new home with us.
She’s already found spots she prefers to lounge in, and is enjoying her new lifestyle quite a bit. https://instagr.am/p/CcMNjp7MZqP/
Miss Pearl enjoying her new home with us.
She’s already found spots she prefers to lounge in, and is enjoying her new lifestyle quite a bit. https://instagr.am/p/CcMNjp7MZqP/
Offically trying to adopt this little green-eyed girl. Wish us luck!
#misspearl #catsofinstagram #tabbycatsofinstagram #stripedcatsofinstagram https://instagr.am/p/CcL5sjiuS9O/
Happy Sibling day! Brother Derek and me, with bonus photo of Ma , not sure of the date #siblingday @vonbergderek @scottobear https://instagr.am/p/CcLi-qtODxO/
Happy Sibling day! Brother Derek and me as a sort of bluntman and chronic. #siblingday #bluntmanandchronic @vonbergderek @scottobear https://instagr.am/p/CcLiX5Bu9Wr/
One of the several new Animated STAR TREK episodes that I am working on is a tale told completely from the point of view of the Klingons, entitled “No Fools in Sto-Vo-Kor.” It is an episode which follows Klingon battle cruiser captain Kang (from “Day of the Dove” (TOS), “Blood Oath” (DS9) and “Flashback” (VGR)) as he and the crew become involved with two feuding planets.
As a test, I created a short animation of Kang on the bridge of his ship using dialogue spoken by Kang as portrayed by Michael Ansara.