So confessionals are now pretty much gone from the Catholic Church? How does that work, with it being a sacrement?
Come to think of it, I’m not sure if I know any full blown Roman Catholic folk these days. Not sure who I would ask, for verification and point of view.
When I was a little Catholic kid, I actually rather liked going to confession. I still remember how to say the act of contrition, lord’s prayer and hail mary, despite not having been a part of that church for four decades or so.
(Also, I first read the research center’s purview as Apostate, not Apostolate…. a very different thing!)
“Confession, after all, is one of the seven Catholic sacraments. But now only 2 percent of Catholics go regularly to confession, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, a nonprofit organization affiliated with Georgetown University—and three-quarters of them never go, or go less than once a year.”
#catholic #catholicism #confession
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