
good day today… got chores done, had a wonderful lunch, goofed with newtie…played aok with my sweetheart, and it looks like I’ll be getting (at last) a much more usable computer thanks to stacy! ahh…much better than having cops with guns, like last weekend.

new machine – power mac 7100/80 AV with a 500 MB hard drive and 56 MB ram? a zip drive, webcam, and ethernet adapter.

ah… bliss. I look forward to seeing my sweetie again soon, tonight!

Horton. Good Ellie.

I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An Elephant’s faithful, one hundred percent.


I have Seuss on the brain, and just got back… did my grocery shopping, but it’s raining too hard for me to go back out into the wet to do laundry.

Lunch today – Orange Blossom Honey, a warm loaf of french bread, some fresh butter, and hot earl grey tea. Yum. I need to treat myself to this more often.

I’m going to travel around sometime this coming week before work, and evaluate some of these new apartments. There’s a few nice ones available. I know just made a space available… I have to remember to ask where/how much that place was, and if he’d recommend it.