ok… http://www.aladdinpower.com/apStepCharger.shtml is neato. Being a techno-hippie, the idea of a foot powered charger for my laptop is very cool. I wonder how long it’d take me to charge my computer for 2 hours worth of computing?

Perfect for the bunker… 5 years after world war 4… my great grandkids find my computer, an arcane device…

and what will they find, after footpedaling for a while… a backup of myt livejournal, a bunch of stories in progress, some love letters to my sweetheart, and what they’ll be most interested in? A copy of age of empires and the sims. ….

in related news – a guy in Toronto has pulled awaprt one of those hand-cranked flashlights and connected it to a low-power Linux-on-a-chip wafer, and created the world’s first hand-powered server.


My sweetie’s going to be afk all day tomorrow… I hope I get a chance to talk to her during the day sometime. We’ve not gone 24 hours without talking since well before thanksgiving.

I’m a-gonna miss her. *lots*

oh no!!!

‘s revenge for the love boat…

carrot stick?

TIME FOR TIMER!!! Ack, my brain’s been whisked back to 1978 or so.

“I hanker for a hunka,
A slab or slice or chunka
A snack that is a winner,
And yet won’t spoil my dinner,
I hanker for a hunka cheeseย… Yahoo!”


Time for Timer!
What? No time for breakfast?
Now look…
Since six o’clock last night you haven’e eaten a bite
C’mon I’ll show you why that’s really not the way
For a growing kid to start a busy day…

Here we are inside your body in this noisy empty space
Is your stomach getting angry ’cause there’s no food
in the place?

(Uh oh…let’s find some food, fast…)


Sunshine on a Stick

Now, some weekend when it’s raining
And your mother is complaining
‘Cause you’re sitting there just twiddling your thumbs
Tell your mom that you’ve been itchin’
To make something in the kitchen,
And oh yes the mess will be a minimum!
But the thing that’s gonna please her
Is you make it in the freezer
And nothing could be easier to fix!
Now just watch while I go through it
Really all you need to do it
Is some kind of juice and just a few toothpicks!

Okay! Get yourself an ice tray and pour in orange juice OR lemonade OR pomegranate juice OR whatever turns you on. Then, cover the tray with plastic wrap, caaaarefully poke the toothpicks through the plastic, put it in the freezer and in a few hours – Presto! Stacks of snacks!

Don’t wait until it rains before you try this nifty trick
You’ll have a fun time eating sunshine on a stick!


Oh come on! Don’t knock it ’till you try it,put a little on your plate! Don’t make a face before you taste it,some kids think it’s great! Why not try a smorgasbord dinner? Which means a smidgin of this and a smidgin of that! Don’t knock it ’till you try it-eating can be fun! Try eating little bites of different things instead of lots of 1! Don’t quibble ’till you nibble a dabble or a dibble of everything that’s on your plate and then-go back and eat the things you like again!!

sunshine on a stick, in real audio

gadabout GAD-uh-bout, noun:
Someone who roams about in search of amusement or social activity.

Gadabout is formed from the verb gad, “to rove or go about without purpose or restlessly” (from Middle English gadden, “to hurry”) + about.

(I’m playing the gadabout to put off any serious writing or working out. Going walkies at about 8, though.)

In other News, I’m looking nito an apartment! One looks very possible, they like Kitties, and it’s roomy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Little Brother is my fave!!

In Search of Fecal Accidents
Any kid will tell you, sometimes accidents just happen. But with summer-like temperatures luring more residents into the water, health officials are doing their best to keep accidents — “fecal accidents,” to be precise — from causing trouble in the city’s public pools.

Little Brother Gets Busted
In this lively and engaging tale, a naive young robot runs afoul of the law – and wacky hijinks ensue! Through the trials and tribulations of our protagonist, we discover the nuances of U.S. drug enforcement policy and learn valuable lessons including proper procedures for handling police interrogations and hiding contraband in one’s anal cavity.

Segregation Is Back, But Its Okay!
This weekend, UCLA’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community will unite pink with black ย– colors of triangles used to identify gays and lesbians in Nazi Germany ย– in the Lavender Celebration to convey the significance of their graduation as visible LGBT individuals.
The celebration, along with the Iranian Student Group and the Asian Pacific Islander Celebrations, are examples of the identity-based graduation ceremonies, which are available in addition to the traditional, degree-conferring commencement events…
“Students not of the majority feel that they’re not included in university life,” Sanlo said. “(These) celebrations tell students not only that their identities are something of which they can be very proud, but that this institution is very proud of who they are and what they are going to become.”

Dog Boy Rescued!
In Chile, an 11-year-old boy who had been living wild with a pack of dogs has been rescued by authorities and taken to hospital. The child, who has severe physical and psychiatric health problems, had been surviving by drinking the milk of a female dog, who was the pack leader, and scavenging for food.

Fungus Eats Compact Discs
FIRST there was the computer virus. Now scientists have found a fungus that eats compact discs.
Victor Cardenes, of Spain’s leading scientific research body, stumbled across the microscopic creature two years ago, while visiting Belize. Friends complained that in the hot and sticky Central American climate, a CD had stopped working and had developed an odd discoloration that left parts of it virtually transparent.

All Your Money And A Chalupa
It was a late-night run for the border gone awry. A 17-year-old man was shot and arrested early Monday after he rode his bicycle to a drive-through Taco Bell window, demanding that the crew give him all their money and a chalupa.
But, while he was waiting for the food, a Taco Bell worker called the police.
The man, whose identity has not been released, was a former employee of the restaurant.
Fort Worth Police Lt. Duane Paul said the crew handed over the money, but while the suspect waited for the chalupa, a police officer pulled up behind him…