germ, for later polish. add to after ‘blimpies heroin story’.

South Florida in June can bear a serious resemblance to the classic idea of Hell. Like Jules had always said – “I’m not gonna lie to you, Mike. I’m not gonna say Fort Lauderdale is hell…but they share a zip code.” Mike shook his head, rubbing his face with both hands and coming up with twin palms full of sweat. Jules’s voice, in memory, led directly to memories of Jules’s blood, of Jules’s intestines tangled in the seaweed when Mike had found him, face down on the beach on South Beach. It was coming up on three years since Jules caught a bad case of dead, and Mike was finally ready to finish what they’d started back then.

Rounding the corner onto Los Olas, Mike turned right off twelfth and dodged the latinos stumbling out of the Castaway. Closing his eyes, Mike counted his steps, and came to a stop. He turned right, then left, then right again, looking up and down the avenue. The sky was still pink, even at three AM, and still busy – knots of kids from the projects across the street were here and there, drinking and walking in packs. The police were nowhere in sight.

A moment’s panic mounted at the base of his spine. He shook his head, hard, and pushed on the buzzer to the right of the doorway in front of him, ringing apartment 6E.

The door opened let him in. Kid Sinister, an angry-nosed Mulatto out of Miami, leaned out to peer up and down the street, then opened the door fully and stepped back. Mike let it fall shut behind him, squinting in the dim and flickering fluorescents of the stairwell.

“Yo, Mickey Mouse. What’chu need, man?”

The silver row of top front teeth were the Kid’s trademark – he’d had the canines elongated into fangs. Which, while admittedly being intimidating as all get out, made the above into an incomprehensible slur along the lines of ‘Yo, mi’mouf, ‘shoonee, ma’?” Mike thought about telling him to go fuck himself and his short-counted sacks. A sigh, and he answered, “I’ll take a bundle. And I need to see Turkey Joe.” Ninety dollars in five bills, folded into quarters, were pulled from his back pocket and offered over.

Tugging on his Lakers cap, the mulatto bared a wide grin and plucked the cash from Mike’s trembling fingers, then pulled a rolled bundle of wax paper baggied from the pocket of his ankle-length shorts and offered it back in exchange. He laughed, shaking his head, and pointed at a door behind the stairs. “Damn stupid, looking for Joe…but he’s waiting, anyway.”

Mike didn’t answer, instead he simply pocketed the heroin, walked over to open the door and step into Turkey Joe’s office. Joe had never come any closer to Turkey than Key West. As a matter of fact, he was probably of Swedish descent – pale hair and paler skin. Mike’d never seen his eyes, since Joe’d been affecting a pair of lennon glasses ever since Mike knew him. But Joe had, at some point, become the go-to for the Turkish Mafia in this part of the South. So he became Turkey Joe, and so he was the man Mike needed to see.

Joe was sitting at the janitor’s desk in his office. The air conditioning was cranked, and Mike watched the cloud of condensation his breath formed, shuddering as it seemed to writhe, as though trying to spell some warning before it dissolved into tendrils of meaningless dissipation. Joe didn’t say anything as the door shut – he shook his head and stood, walking over to an antique refrigerator in the corner and pulling out a small, six ounce bottle of Coca Cola with a faded and peeling label. He sat down, laid the bottle on his desk, and spun it.

“Finally making your run for it?” Joe’s glasses distorted Mike’s reflection. Swallowing dryly, Mike nodded and crossed the linoleum floor to the desk, where the bottle was slowly wobbling to a halt, its dented cap facing squarely at his navel.

“I’ve got everything I need lined up, Joe. I’m gonna make it.”

“You know this bottle leaves this building, they’ll be onto you. Won’t have much time.”

“Yeah. They won’t catch me.” Mike tugged a thick roll of bills from the other back pocket and dropped it onto the desk. “Six grand. Like we said.”

“That was three years ago, Mike, and I owed Jules a favor. The price is seven five. There aren’t many left, and lots of people are looking these days.”

Mike’s mouth opened and closed, but he simply nodded. This was not a place to waste one’s breath. Digging into the front pocket of his ragged jeans, he found a fold of money, and snapped it open, counting crisp hundred dollar bills onto the green formica table. When fifteen had been laid down,he returned the much reduced fold to its pocket, and reached a hand for the bottle.

Joe’s hand closed around his wrist before he’d gotten there. “Listen to me, kid. Your friend got you into this, he was the one who knew what was going on around here, and he bought it trying for the prize. You touch that thing, you go outside with it, and you are in the game. No turning back. Better hit the street running and don’t plan on stopping in this lifetime. The cryptophage, he’s in town. No way he won’t be coming after you. You get me?”

Another mute nod as Mike slid his wrist free and picked the bottle up. His skin stuck to the glass, colder than anything had a right to be, the chill settling immediately into the marrow of his bones and weighing there. “Yeah. I get ya. Be seeing you, Joe.”

And then, he was walking out – past Kid Sinister and the savagely skinny punk rock nypmhette in the stairwell. Past the Castaway and back up twelfth, his steps accelerating slowly, strides lengthening, the panic rising like bile to the back of his throat, until he was running down first avenue for the bus at 4th Street. The bottle was his, but God only knew if he’d be able to get the rest of the ingredients together before they found him. This could be his last chance to die…but with odds like this, no way he needed a second one.

I wonder if this will work.

Scotto’s getting a little greedy.

I want cool stickers/patches to put on my laptop, and the carrying case. Would anyone like to send me some? (Anything you’d like on a laptop would be cool… Regional… New York/Quebec/Lapland/Etc… and Cool, too… Flaming Skulls, Smurfs, Trix Rabbit, etc)

I’ll send you a little prezzie in return if you want to give me your return address. (I’m missing the fun of the LJ Valentines from times past.)

Let me know, and I’ll give you my mailing address. 🙂

Evil News

Tree Attacks Tree Hugger
On the eve of the first anniversary of its aerial “village” in a remote forest near Mount Madonna, Earth First!’s attempt to establish a large tree-sitting operation near Boulder Creek has been marred by the serious injury of a young woman. Jenna Griffith, 20, who uses the forest name “Sparrow,” was injured Wednesday when she fell about 30 feet from a tree and hit her head on a redwood stump.
“Sparrow was hurt doing her utmost to save those trees,”

Another Female Teacher Getting Some From The Kids
A second-grade teacher suspected of having sex with a 14-year-old boy was reported to authorities by Marysville teachers after her behavior with a boy at a middle-school sports event raised red flags, Marysville School District officials said yesterday. The 37-year-old woman, a Marysville resident who teaches in the Mukilteo district, was at a basketball game at Cedarcrest School when teachers noticed “behavior of concern” between the two, Marysville district spokeswoman Mary Fears said. Fears said she was touching the boy. The teacher is under investigation for her involvement with at least two boys, both 14-year-old friends of her son. One told investigators he’d had sex with the woman on three occasions in her home in April, according to a probable-cause arrest document. The mother of another boy had obtained a no-contact order against the teacher in February, after she became worried that her son was having an inappropriate relationship with the woman.
“Oh, I have the car all warm for you.”

Yahoo Bans Japanese Child Killing Game
A computer game modeled after the fatal stabbing of eight children in western Japan has been removed from a Yahoo portal site, Yahoo Japan Corp. said today.An unidentified person put “Killing Children at Ikeda Elementary School” on the Yahoo portal site following the June 8 school attack, Yahoo Japan Corp. officials said on condition of anonymity.

New Zealanders Call for Fat Tax
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A New Zealand nutritional group suggested today that food should be taxed according to its fat content in an effort to curb obesity

Thirsty Beer Fans Want Tax Repeal
A tax on liquor brought America the Whiskey Rebellion two centuries ago. Now the brewing industry is looking to start the Battle over the Beer Tax.”Beer is one of America’s best pastimes,”

Man Makes Wacky Excuse To Evade Wife’s Fury
Greenville County authorities are investigating the Friday morning kidnapping of a Greenville businessman, News 4 reports. Authorities said that Donald Burdette walked out of work early Friday morning and into the barrel of a gun.

Another Vendor Whines About Kids
Three girls aged 7 to 9 have been ordered to shut down their front yard snow cone stand. An ice cream vendor’s tip brought orders from the Santa Barbara County Environmental Health Services to halt snow cone sales. The popular flavored snow cones went for 50 cents. The ice cream man apparently didn’t want the competition.
“It is really sad,”

Weight Watchers Fooled With ‘Diet’ Ice Cream
At Weight Watchers meetings from Florida to Virginia, rooms frequently become abuzz with talk of “Big Daddy” ice cream. Internet chat rooms and bulletin boards share the secret of this tasty, guilt-free treat made by DeConna Ice Cream Co. in Orange Lake, which has been selling briskly in several major grocery store chains. In a world in which counting calories and fat is a way of life, the nutritional label on the product is a dieter’s dream. Vanilla Big Daddy, according to the label, has 100 calories and 2 grams of fat for a 12-ounce serving — a mere 2 points for Weight Watchers devotees, about the same as an apple. But lab tests commissioned by the Sun-Sentinel could explain why calorie and carbohydrate-watchers who nosh on the supposedly light delight might not be losing weight. The tests showed the calories are triple what is touted on the label and the carbohydrates are more than double — an understatement of 200 calories, 5.5 grams of fat and 31 grams of carbohydrates.