A quick note, before beddy bye.

I feel good, if a bit curious. I’m thinking my love is happy and healthy… She’s a creature of depth, though, and I want that joy and well-being to permeate every corner of her being.

Taking a moment, to focus on her happiness and peace tonight, and through the future…sleep well, my darling.

I hope she manages to check her mail tomorrow morning… I think it’ll make her day a bit more pleasant…. a little trinket of happiness to go with her morning coffee.

Tomorrow… I want to synch up our lunches again, and break bread over distance. Things like that make m very happy, and I think she digs it too. I went to the grocery store this evening, picked up some snacks. (I forgot cherry pop tarts, but I have freezer pops to dine upon with her.

Newt’s loved having me home all weekend, and I’ve liked sharing so much time with 2 out of 3 of my favorite librans, too. In fact, he’s curled up in my indian-style lap as I type… I’m going to have to move him to my neck, so’s to accomodate sleepies.

one last thing. I want to get together with my love, and become these guys.

sweet dreams, adios, and see you tomorrow!

my mood right now is- my music right now is –


I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying “How do you do?”
They’re really saying
I love you

I hear babies crying
I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more
Then I’ll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Oh yea

spent the lion’s share of my waking moments with my sweetheart. we reaffirmed our love, talked about all sorts of stuff, from our future together, to our individual pasts.

I’m so full of love and delight right now, I can’t even utter it. I’ll be back later.

word of the day

oblation uh-BLAY-shun; oh-, noun:
1. The act of offering something, such as worship or thanks, especially to a deity.
2. (usually capitalized) The act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist.
3. Something offered in a religious rite or as a charitable gift.

Oblation derives from Latin oblatio, from oblatus, past participle of offerre, “to carry to, to bring to, to offer,” from ob-, “to” + ferre, “to bring.”