what’s in the kitchen?

Attempted reconstruction of earlier entry, lost to some sort of sunspot activity.

back to writing in notepad, beofre posting… at least on the more unstable systems.

My Sweetie’s doing pretty well, good news on what’s been distressing her lately, and she got my prezzies in the mail. 🙂 (A Newtie-baby form of a Furby, and a copy of Cider House Rules. I hope the subject matter isn’t too rough for her delicate sensitivites, but the writing is quite good.)

Got some tasty food this weekend. (a lot of semi-healthy foodles)

Currently in stock, in my larder, cupboard and fridge – (I’ve got to stop eating out all the time)

croissants (bakery fresh. yum. I’ll miss living as close as I do)
loaf of french bread
1/2 jar of peanut butter
lots of natural orange blossom honey
lots of natural clover honey
a few fresh Bananners
a frozen bag of raspberries (sheesh, can you tell I have a sweet tooth yet?)
a bag of freezerpops
bag of rice, designed to last for eternity (it’s crazy big, but dry rice lasts for ages, right?)
canned sweet peas
canned beans (not as good as dried, and soaked, but I’m a lazy-boy)
fresh broccoli (going to polish those guys off tonight, with dip)
olive oil
garlic tobasco
regular tobasco
hawaiian hot sauce
canned corn
flax (to sprinkle on everything)
veggie dogs
dog buns
sweet relish
soy sauce
cinnamin life cereal
cookie crisp ceral
rice dream (better tasting on cereal than milk, really.)
mozzarella cheese
A nearly demolished gallon of OJ (I drink it like water)
2 gallons of water
Diet Rite orange soda
4 bottles of hard lemonade
bean & cheese freezer-to-nuke burritos (that have been ther forever… eep)
a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia. (that won’t live very long)

welcome to sunny florida (monsoon season!)

Monday: Sunny. High near 86F. Winds E to SE 5 to 10 mph.
Monday evening: Partly cloudy with isolated thunderstorms. Low around 76F. Light E to SE winds. Chance of precipitation 30%.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy with scattered thunderstorms. High near 86F. Winds E 10 to 15 mph. Chance of precipitation 50%.
Tuesday evening: Partly cloudy with isolated thunderstorms. Low around 77F. Winds E to NE 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation 30%.
Wednesday: Thunderstorm (Hi:87 Lo:77)
Thursday: Thunderstorm (Hi:87 Lo:77)
Friday: Thunderstorm (Hi:89 Lo:77)
Saturday: Thunderstorm (Hi:89 Lo:77)
Sunday: Thunderstorm (Hi:89 Lo:77)

Word of the Day, and Evil News

interlard in-tur-LARD, transitive verb:
To insert between; to mix or mingle; especially, to introduce that which is foreign or irrelevant; as, to interlard a conservation with oaths or allusions.

Interlard comes from Middle French entrelarder, from Old
French, from entre, “between” (from Latin inter-) + larder, “to lard,” from larde, “lard,” from Latin lardum. The original sense of the word, now obsolete, was “to place lard or bacon amongst; to mix, as fat meat with lean.”

evil news-

McVeigh Execution Items Too Gruesome For Ebay
A man hawking copies of Timothy McVeigh’s death certificate and handwritten last statement was booted off an Internet auction site after users thought his sale was too gruesome.

School Trips Banned Amid Child Slave Panic
Burkina Faso ordered the suspension of school trips to Ivory Coast for fear that its children could be picked up as suspected slaves. Ivory Coast, facing criticism over the use of forced child labor on its cocoa plantations, has been repatriating hundreds of young people from Burkina Faso believed to be victims of a trade in child slaves.

Black Leaders Get Wacky!
Some black politicians and civil rights activists refuse to pledge allegiance to the U.S. flag, calling it a symbol of slavery and racial oppression. “This flag represents the former colonies that enslaved our ancestors,” says Tennessee state Rep. Henri Brooks. “And when this flag was designed, they did not have [black people] in mind.”

Save the Children… So We Can Have Sex With Them.
Nicholas Morency, 30, of Villas is the first person prosecuted in New Jersey for violating the 1994 Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act.His 30-month prison sentence, however, also covers an unrelated offense, the possession of thousands of items of child pornography. Under federal sentencing guidelines, the child pornography offense is more serious and had the effect of giving Morency concurrent time for the Internet offense.

Visit Hawaii Before Its Too Late and They Are Too Old
Support is building at the State Capitol for an effort to override Gov. Ben Cayetano’s veto of a bill to raise the age when minors can legally consent to having sex. Hawaii’s present age of consent is 14, the youngest in the nation, and the bill would have raised the age to 16. In cases where 14- and 15-year-olds have consensual sex with a person who is at least five years older, the bill called for adult offenders to face up to 20 years in prison.

The Best Slaves Are Chinese Slaves
When a man offered Feng Chenyun temporary work in another city, she jumped at the chance. Barely literate and desperately poor, Ms. Feng had two children, 10 and 16, and it was nearly impossible to scrape together school fees from her small plot of rice and rape seed.

Her husband was working as a migrant laborer 1,000 miles away, in Guangdong Province. At 37, she had never left her county in Sichaun Province and was feeling restless.

“I went with him because he was offering me work,” she said, recounting from her small dark home the start of a tale that still brings tears three years later. “I just wanted to get out and earn a bit of money.”

Instead, Ms. Feng was kidnapped, drugged, placed on a train and sold for about $1,500 as a bride to a brick maker in faraway Xinjiang Province — becoming one of the tens if not hundreds of thousands of poor Chinese women who are sold on a black market each year.

A quick note, before beddy bye.

I feel good, if a bit curious. I’m thinking my love is happy and healthy… She’s a creature of depth, though, and I want that joy and well-being to permeate every corner of her being.

Taking a moment, to focus on her happiness and peace tonight, and through the future…sleep well, my darling.

I hope she manages to check her mail tomorrow morning… I think it’ll make her day a bit more pleasant…. a little trinket of happiness to go with her morning coffee.

Tomorrow… I want to synch up our lunches again, and break bread over distance. Things like that make m very happy, and I think she digs it too. I went to the grocery store this evening, picked up some snacks. (I forgot cherry pop tarts, but I have freezer pops to dine upon with her.

Newt’s loved having me home all weekend, and I’ve liked sharing so much time with 2 out of 3 of my favorite librans, too. In fact, he’s curled up in my indian-style lap as I type… I’m going to have to move him to my neck, so’s to accomodate sleepies.

one last thing. I want to get together with my love, and become these guys.

sweet dreams, adios, and see you tomorrow!

my mood right now is- my music right now is –


I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying “How do you do?”
They’re really saying
I love you

I hear babies crying
I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more
Then I’ll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Oh yea

spent the lion’s share of my waking moments with my sweetheart. we reaffirmed our love, talked about all sorts of stuff, from our future together, to our individual pasts.

I’m so full of love and delight right now, I can’t even utter it. I’ll be back later.

word of the day

oblation uh-BLAY-shun; oh-, noun:
1. The act of offering something, such as worship or thanks, especially to a deity.
2. (usually capitalized) The act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist.
3. Something offered in a religious rite or as a charitable gift.

Oblation derives from Latin oblatio, from oblatus, past participle of offerre, “to carry to, to bring to, to offer,” from ob-, “to” + ferre, “to bring.”

sexy factoids – (Not all verified, anyone care to prove/disprove?)

The well-recognized Egyptian Ankh is actually a symbol representing the male and female sex organs.

In the original Grimm Sleeping Beauty fairy tale, the Prince rapes her while she sleeps and then leaves before she wakes up.

Australian women are the most likely to have sex on the first date.

The word “vanilla” comes from the Latin word for vagina, because of the vanilla pod’s resemblance to the female genitalia.

A man’s penis not only shrinks during cold weather but also from intense nonsexual excitement like when his favorite team scores a touchdown.

Today, Japan leads the world in condom use. Like cosmetics, they’re sold door to door, by women.

Menstrual cramps have been known, in rare cases, to induce orgasm.

Researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey found ten women ranging in age from 32 to 67 who could reach an orgasm simply by fantasizing about sex, without even having to touch themselves. Unfortunately, names and phone numbers were not released.

Women are most likely to want to commit adultery when they’re ovulating.

The name of Wyoming’s Grand Tetons mountain range literally means “Big Tits”.

Women who went to college are more likely to enjoy both the giving and receiving of oral sex than high school dropouts.

The best way to find out how well-endowed a man is, isn’t to look at his hands, feet or nose, but see (or ask) how well-endowed his father was. What is in a man’s jeans are in the man’s genes.

The word avocado comes from the Spanish word aguacate which in turn is derived from the Aztec word ahuacatl which meant testicle. You’ll probably never look at guacamole the same way again.

The word “gymnasium” comes from the Greek word gymnazein which means “to exercise naked.”

White women and those women with a college degree in particular are the most receptive to anal sex.

The first condoms made from vulcanized rubber appeared in the 1870s, were expensive and annoyingly thick. Considering the price, a man was instructed to wash it before and after use, and then reuse it until it cracked or tore.

While we think of Cupid today as an innocent youth with bow and arrow, his original representation by the pedophiliac Greeks was that of a beautiful young boy whose naked form was considered to be the embodiment of sexual love.

It was during the sexually repressive Victorian era that the formerly nude Cupid was redesigned as wearing a skirt.

Jazz fans, gun owners and those who lack confidence in the president are among the most sexually active Americans.

According to a recent survey, more Americans lose their virginity in June than in any other month (must be all those proms and weddings).