From the smoking gun –

TSG’s seen some offensive ads before, but this one from Lipton is particularly galling. In a bid to sell onion dip, the company (part of the multinational Unilever firm) produced a print ad showing a Catholic churchgoer preparing to dunk a Holy Communion wafer in a bowl of dip. The ad, running in the current issue of the weekly New York Press, was called “an error in judgment” by a Unilever spokesman–after, of course, readers and church officials blasted it as demeaning.

stuff to do tonight

get comfort food to ride out a night without my love in talkie-range.

taco bell, with earl gray tea.

Book – House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (I went into my closet this afternoon and pulled out a few books I’d not read yet, picked up at a used bookstore about a year ago, and promptly forgot). It’s a meaty paperback, about as thick as The Stand was, when I had it in the same size. I remember now, why I put it in the closet, as it’s a meta-book… where it’s a few layers of story deep. little bits or writing on the margin, and so on. it’ll give me something to do. I hope it passes the test of 100.

A kitty in lap, or playing milk ring fetch, should be nice too. I’ll be burning nag champa, and be bundled in bedding cocoon, sending her my thoughts for her happiness, and comfort.

Stolen from applelard, who stole it form masked marvel.

Poll-ised by me. (gosh, I like polls.) I’d like to put them in a table, though. adjust font size, something.

I ended up writing a program to parse it out. dang, I’m lazy. It’s sort of long, I’ll be going back to “one question a day” I think. Is this too tedious to fill out?

Anyhow, here it is! Continue reading Stolen from applelard, who stole it form masked marvel.

Just talked to my sweetie, and saw her off for her journey.

I love her *so* much. I hate to seem effusive, but I cain’t hep et. Ah jes’ wanna hug her and kiss her and squeeze her and hold her hand…let her know how much she means to me.

She’s the most wonderful gal.

ok… is neato. Being a techno-hippie, the idea of a foot powered charger for my laptop is very cool. I wonder how long it’d take me to charge my computer for 2 hours worth of computing?

Perfect for the bunker… 5 years after world war 4… my great grandkids find my computer, an arcane device…

and what will they find, after footpedaling for a while… a backup of myt livejournal, a bunch of stories in progress, some love letters to my sweetheart, and what they’ll be most interested in? A copy of age of empires and the sims. ….

in related news – a guy in Toronto has pulled awaprt one of those hand-cranked flashlights and connected it to a low-power Linux-on-a-chip wafer, and created the world’s first hand-powered server.


My sweetie’s going to be afk all day tomorrow… I hope I get a chance to talk to her during the day sometime. We’ve not gone 24 hours without talking since well before thanksgiving.

I’m a-gonna miss her. *lots*

oh no!!!

‘s revenge for the love boat…

carrot stick?

TIME FOR TIMER!!! Ack, my brain’s been whisked back to 1978 or so.

“I hanker for a hunka,
A slab or slice or chunka
A snack that is a winner,
And yet won’t spoil my dinner,
I hanker for a hunka cheeseĀ… Yahoo!”


Time for Timer!
What? No time for breakfast?
Now look…
Since six o’clock last night you haven’e eaten a bite
C’mon I’ll show you why that’s really not the way
For a growing kid to start a busy day…

Here we are inside your body in this noisy empty space
Is your stomach getting angry ’cause there’s no food
in the place?

(Uh oh…let’s find some food, fast…)


Sunshine on a Stick

Now, some weekend when it’s raining
And your mother is complaining
‘Cause you’re sitting there just twiddling your thumbs
Tell your mom that you’ve been itchin’
To make something in the kitchen,
And oh yes the mess will be a minimum!
But the thing that’s gonna please her
Is you make it in the freezer
And nothing could be easier to fix!
Now just watch while I go through it
Really all you need to do it
Is some kind of juice and just a few toothpicks!

Okay! Get yourself an ice tray and pour in orange juice OR lemonade OR pomegranate juice OR whatever turns you on. Then, cover the tray with plastic wrap, caaaarefully poke the toothpicks through the plastic, put it in the freezer and in a few hours – Presto! Stacks of snacks!

Don’t wait until it rains before you try this nifty trick
You’ll have a fun time eating sunshine on a stick!


Oh come on! Don’t knock it ’till you try it,put a little on your plate! Don’t make a face before you taste it,some kids think it’s great! Why not try a smorgasbord dinner? Which means a smidgin of this and a smidgin of that! Don’t knock it ’till you try it-eating can be fun! Try eating little bites of different things instead of lots of 1! Don’t quibble ’till you nibble a dabble or a dibble of everything that’s on your plate and then-go back and eat the things you like again!!

sunshine on a stick, in real audio