Watch TV tonight, with my sweetie.
Mad TV was cute… so, what? TNN isn’t the nashville network anymore? last few times I’ve gone past it, I’ve seen Star trek, and other distinctly non-country-western fare. Clops… that killed me. MR peanut on a killing spree, using a nutcracker on assorted ones before turning it on himself… wallace and gromit… massively goofy hasmburger order.
First time I’d seen a full episode of fear factor… I have to admit, even if it is a ‘reality’ show… I liked it. good sportsmanship was there, and some of the players were very cool.
Also watched the Anne Heche interview with Baba Wawa…. I don’t know… somehow, it all seems more suspect when a person has a book coming out, profiting about stuff like that. Perhaps I’m overly cynical, or maybe my heart just didn’t touch hers, but I got a sense of deception there. maybe I’m wrong, and maybe she is free of her earlier troubles… but somehow, I think there’s an element of theatre in there. some statements were right out of my old drama class, a formula for getting sympathy. It didn’t ring *totally* true. some of it felt like it could’ve happened. other bits, not so much.
I’d really like to see other folks of her’s perspectives, especially Steve martin (her last Boyfriend) and Ellen (Her Last long term relationship). It seems that she’s not on good terms with either now, though.
Ugh. Snoopy Scotto. I should just appreciate the craft… but I love seeing what makes folks tick.