meeting tomorrow, I get to go in early to talk about health insurance and why my raise wasn’t on this week’s check. I’ll be there, instead of hanging out with my sweetie from 11 to noon.
I hope it lets out before the roach coach comes by. the soda machine is not taking bills again. besides, I want a big honking iced tea or two.
did I ever mention that it actually plays “la cucaracha” on the horn when it pulls up?
Bringing letters into work tomorrow to scan. Maybe I can write a griffin & sabine sort of story out of ’em?
Reflections –
Every time I go out and immerse myself in nature – camping, hiking, climbing (Ha! like I do any climbing – let’s say “meandering” instead. Yeah, that’s it. Meandering through nature.) – I am always struck by just how paltry my own imagination is compared to the majesty of the world’s real, living scenery.
And yet, I’m still sometimes, somehow disappointed that there are no goblins scuttering around in the underbrush, or that the half-buried boulders are not, in fact, the knucklebones of slumbering giants. (Or… are they?)