The taffy brigade

Printing in super tiny text on d&d size minis, with .2 layer flow and day glow yellow filament makes for a less than optimal visual experience. Maybe if I do it on gray, with a thinner layer size, and possibly black or bright white to fill certain details like the text and skeleton bones? As it is, it looks like a low-detail laffy taffy.

Names on these tests were Scotto, Ray and Kat in different fonts, subtracted and sliced on orca slicer.

Once I get these figured (if I get ’em sussed out), maybe I put them in a place of honor in a gaming graveyard somewhere nice. (I’d like to do versions for all my game group pals from the past… Pam, Rick, James, (not Rick James, though), April, Cathy, Danny, Alex, Trina, Rachel, Renata, Jav, Brian, Mark, Steve, Brent, Dave, Shaun, Allison and whoever else comes to mind. Plenty to fill a boneyard of fun memories. Maybe send a few of them off, too. I still owe folks a skeleton army that I printed up before we moved, and a few other bits and bobs.

#3dprinting #bambux1carbon #25mmscale #necropolis #gaming #firstpancake #boneyard

July 20, 2023

So, Sisto is still packed in one of these boxes? I forget, does he breathe? I set him aside for taking pictures, but he got stowed away in the grand sweep of our second pass.

I am unpacking the garage a little more, trying to arrange stuff for comfort and aesthetics. Gets a bit hot in there during the day.

Taking a little break with a popsicle and a cold drink indoors with the AC and these little wooden “stacking stones” 36 nifty little blocks in oddball prism and sort of sarcophagus shapes. They throw me a little dwarven pawn carving vibe for a game that doesn’t exist, yet. (8 big pawns, 16 smaller pawns, and 12 “gems”.)

“Gems” have faces that are either hexagons or pentagons total 21 faces as a long faceted tube .

“Pawns” have 2 square faces on top and bottom, 4 superman chest logo style hexagons, 8 elongated pentagons (4 each alternating fat and thin), and 4 elongated flattened hexagons. For a total of 18 faces. See photo, if my poor description is not helpful.

Jeez, this is terrible weather for a swamp guy like Harold. We need to maybe get some misters around here for him, and maybe just a little box fan and ice maker for me.

#harold #bognar #sisto #sistobrak #hammerhead #momawnadon #summervibes #unpackingmiscellany #shapes #geometricsolids