9667 Wednesday –

I spent April fool’s day fading back and forth from dreamland.

I mostly napped – spent the day in muscle-relaxant torpor.

BHK and I had some tasty black-pepper popcorn  – bhk may’ve had an allergic reaction, or a steam hit? She’s a little red around eyes and a little arm area.

While doped up, I spent a little time playing with the panorama-stitching program (haven’t used it in ages)

Some results of blending multiple pics below –

Pano - S6302942 - 2308x1967 - SLIN - Blended Layer. Pano - S6302968 - 3783x4979 - SLIN - Blended Layer. panosnow1
. Pano - S6302972 - 2506x3657 - SLIN - Blended Layer

1 year ago – april fool – I don’t prank, BHK ill, Night watch, Day Watch, T-Man and Pixx preggers!, the hearse.

2 years ago – scary garden gnome, prank text message

3 years ago – see newt chase a paper wad, new camera, April fool, Scotto utility belt, eagle in the sky

4 years ago – Angsty Bro stuff, making fiends, spam, sticker graffito, social hygiene posters, doodle pay offer (never was paid for it), new doc out, Mitch Hedberg dead, goat’s milk eggs, Sin City

5 years ago – Ossuaries, CoH, LJ 4/1 gag, impression meme

6 years ago – If I were a, fuel cells, JKG, 20,000 leagues

7 years ago – reprint, life changes, teacher with 17 dogs, that’s my baby whale, critter poll, pikachu vs badger, doc visit, mario moonlighting

8 years ago – midget wrestler, glow worm, april fools, nice dreams, I don’t like AFD, Computer update, midget wrestler-scottoGeotarget