9679 – Monday

Back to work – saw Franklin – he was very populare with a group of Asian tourists at the hotel. I got a moment to give him a little head-rub and visit before work, though.

Pleasant news of the day found my cousin Inger on facebook… amazing – last time I saw her, she was something like 7 years old – now she’s a college sophomore! I’m looking forward to reconnecting, and hearing what that neck of the family has been up to in the midwest.

Additionally, we bought $4 worth of scratchers after work – we won $7… $3 profit! We promptly squandered our earnings on diet soda and corn chips.. with a few pennies to spare!

Some issues happening at the Condo in Florida – we may lost our renters over it – I hope not, but we’ll see what goes down.

No news about Bro – he should be out of the pokey in about a month, Shannon and the Baby lately – I hope bro is ok – If the renters move out, I’m happy to give him the furniture at the condo to get started off again (a bed, dresser, futon, dining room table, some chairs, box o’ drawers w/ dishes & utensils, tv and tv stand.

BHK made taster veggie-brats & kraut for supper – I’m full as a tick.

Hitting the sack early – no tv tonight, maybe just a little book time before bed.

1 year ago – picnic in dunkirk park, sneades, beehive flag, USN band, Thursday’s good, Hacienda (BHK wins again!!), gaming

2 years ago – Friday the 13th, picture of me as hector hammond, talkers, palm doodle under the sea, eclairs, shocking cats

3 years ago – get together?, odds & ends mp3, reality settings, on call stuff, dr who remixes (& scooby doo), transit links

4 years ago – headhunter, dr who, hovering sombrero, little cowpoke didn’t take, Dworkin, Belle & Jen interested in remixed cds, ADP adds junk, KJ and Oona arrive.

5 years ago – easter afters, THC high enough to be considered hard drugs, rainy photo, leaping gnome scotto

6 years ago – bro issues, jkg, landlord

7 years ago – bigfoot research, local cams, lazy, SANTO!, Yellow pestilence, superhero movies, Bill & Ted

8 years ago – food & feelings, good friday, virtual omGeotarget