9668 – Thursday

Bhk eyes red and puffy – pepper reaction seems to be getting worse. She went with me to see to Dr moody – confirmed that i should stay out until at least Monday. Prescribed some drops for BHK, and rest for me.  I will have a follow-up appt on Wednesday.
more auto-pano stuff
 Pano - S6302940 - 3000x2282 - SLIN - Blended Layer. Pano - S6302917 - 3522x2935 - SLIN - Blended Layer.
Pano - S6302927 - 3651x2362 - SLIN - Blended Layer. Pano - S6302960 - 4676x5198 - SLIN - Blended Layer.
 Pano - S6302986 - 11939x6817 - SLIN - Blended Layer

1 year ago – quiche and summer salad, Read Baltimore / Steadfast Tin soldier, relationships torpedoed by book incompatibility, book info, communities created in lj, starship dimensions, skyscrapers

2 years ago – Lovey note from BHK, work stuffs, Bohl family, Newt/Pye dynamic.

3 years ago – walkies with pix, lost an hour, quizzes, amazing circle, hot sauce and garden spray, its a shame

4 years ago – dan hates my bucket-hat, day in the life, 3 doors down, bro issues

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