9672 – monday – back to work!

Well, back is still being tricky, but I was ok enough to go gently back to the office!

Back is sore, and poor BHK has contact allergy / dermatitis – We’re both just sort of shambling around for the moment, and trying to keep our heads together.

Fortunately, we’re both in pretty good moods, despite my nagging her not to scratch.

We were blessed by not having to make dinner tonight – Chris and Larry came back from the camping / Environmental trip with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and they picked up Chinese food and a 10-layer cake for us to gobble up while they regaled us with tales of no electricity, mud and guides with Elvis sideburns.

We cooled our heels, and watched a little NCIS (and In-law staple that I don’t mind at all) and then a really good Annie Oakley documentary on PBS. I have a new found respect for the lady.

Here, dear journal –  have a Pyewacket pic and a newton movie! Pye looking outside from my comfy zone on the couch, and Newton running around while BHK and I relax from the same area.


1 year ago – Aardvark (jonah hex & diplomacy), diarRhita’s, car show rained out, apples to apples

2 years ago – walkabout pictures (DC area), SMIB

3 years ago – loki, fundraiser, 33 questions, morning pictures, palm post bro, tree dream

4 years ago – appointment, bro homeless, electron thoughts, videos, broken umbrellas, space 1999:waka waka, 300 island resort, typo on bus, walkies pictures, beaten barricade

5 years ago – smelly books, surreal compliments, passover joke, vampire game

6 years ago – sleeveless smock, downloadable toons, bunky kabalarians, colossal squid, CoC props.

7 years ago – landlord visit, green monkey pizza, pop pardoned the knights templar,nazi-looking stamp, Japanese business card etiquette, movies, tubers

8 years ago – Killer noise, looking for a job as a flaneur, Dave & Cathi PreggersGeotarget