9691 – Friday

Farmers Market – BHK and Chris picked up a great number of flowers and plants for the garden, I spent the day seated for the most part. 

Garden was dusted for slugs and bugs – hopefully the squirrels will stay out of the lettuce.

Got the 2nd book in the Nightside series at th library – #3 came via bookmooch, and #4 was the BIG book sale a few months back. another book sale tomorrow – I hope I’m up to making the rounds.

1 year ago – Gypsy moths and tent caterpillars, married 18 months, shot?, ledo’s, haiku2, hardy heron, people lost in the past, ban_set, many many palm doodles, almost Friday

2 years ago – Family Icon introduced, palm doodle of a crab and pollen, Maryland links, concert people observed, odd spam, new AV guy, deerfield lien, awesome difference between calvert and broward counties.

3 years ago – dr who, alabam, perm press, botswana rain, open dir, dionysus, ain’t misbehavin’, letter meme

4 years ago – anarchy online, internal monologue quiet, h-words, walkabout piccies, step into history, exploding toads, brain games

5 years ago – phone off the hook, hell froze over, pina colada almond joy, saw the hippies at a Wiggles-mania, walkabout pics

6 years ago – chupacabra, dreams, geoblog

7 years ago – bro, robomop, smurf-coloring,victim’s rights amendment

8 years ago – good css, zuba pants, reds are cool, mushyGeotarget