9692 – Saturday

9692 – sat


BHK and I have been married 30 months today!

Book fair at the BIG warehouse. I stocked up on some Bradbury, Phil Farmer, and Laura Lippman.

Got a little walking in, but there was no way I could haul the huge pile of books about.

BHK made Homemade chili – she thinks it’s burned, but I like it fine!

Lawn cut, and a lot of planting done by the family.

Dinner at Selby’s – Bought Larry a Lemon Meringue pie. Veggie sub was good – Linda the cook is in the hospital, but her replacement did a great job of making a sammich.

More wii games from the library. (Wario Shake it / Super Brawl) – Wario is cute, from an old-school Mario-brothers perspective. Super Brawl didn’t wow me.

Bea Arthur, RIP.

1 year ago – met up with Sirenity, Legal_beagle555 and chrishaas for a bite to eat. New back drugs, comparing netbooks, XP extension, free comic book day, pistol-whipping, question memes, penis-shrinking sorcerers arrested

2 years ago – concert recap, license plate seen, wendy’s, lj-spam, highland fest promo / tree pics

3 years ago – camo man, free cone, gorillaz, dictator octopus

4 years ago – Commercial, Dr Who poot episode, hair-neck-man, good weather, pope palpatine, Tomi voice, Newt sleepies, Dave at Poorhouse, Condoms to saris, ashcroft not scared of calicos, King Tut Coming (it ends this week), kind words from mootpoint

5 years ago – RHL, dumb laws, Rubezahl

6 years ago – doctor and drugs, grasshoppers and micropet, letter to bro, distractions (anagrams, phone spellings, etc)

7 years ago – SOP, copyright, scarecrows in the herb garden, Tunguska, kisses, wind dreams

8 years ago – BJ’s Bday, hobbledehoy, ages of sexual consent around the world, sleep-station pictures, hungry, more rights gone, character / gaming memories,xfl=pos, teeny tiny farm animals and milk ring from KellieGeotargetVisitor Map