April 30 2024

Day 20,176

Scenes from today. Men in black doodle after a brief but fun interaction with @footnotesfaulkner, a 3d printed sofa for Sisto and Harold to lounge on, a lovely duck date dinner at @hang10iceandcream with @maximillian_deersteak and cherry dip for her and chocolate raspberry for me. Additionally, @pearlsquirrel was a real sweetie this morning. I also printed up a diesel engine that might be of interest to the FIL.

#doodle #misspearl #duckdate #timelapse #3dprinting #meninblack #dolewhip #cherrydiptop #icecream #misspearl #stripedcatsofinstagram #tabbycatsofinstagram #catsofinstagram #x1carbon #apr302024

Apr 28 2024

Day 20,174 b

Stayed in today; my back was acting up pretty fiercely. Yummy French toast strata for breakfast, and pad Thai noodles with veggies and some Impossible burger stir-fry for supper. Good stuff, and a little peppermint ice cream for dessert, too! Closing up the night with a viewing of Condorman! I’m enclosing a second doodle since I forgot to include one yesterday.

#doodle #condorman #apr282024

Apr 28 2024

Day 20,174

One of the monsters from D&D I never encountered, despite being one of the more interesting ones to me from flipping through the Monster Manual II (Apparently it first appeared in the The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan module, and I thought it was in the Fiend Folio, but I guess I was mistaken).

The gibbering mouther is not regarded as an evil creature, but in order to sustain its mad self, it must feast upon the bodily fluids and sanity of mortal creatures, preferably intelligent ones. It attacks by spitting strings of protoplasmic flesh that end in a mouth and one or more eyes at opponents, which then bite them, causing both acid and blinding damage. When it has defeated an opponent, it swallows them whole and then proceeds to suck the bodily fluids and sanity. It is possible for the victim to cut their way out.

Having so many eyes, gibbering mouthers are difficult to sneak up on.

#doodle #gibberingmouther

Apr 26 2024

Day 20,172

The weekend looms before us again. I wonder where the nexus of all realities will take us tomorrow? I am guessing a farmers market will be involved, at the very least.

Got some new shoes delivered today. They’ll be repurposed into a brace after I take them to the orthotics/prosthetics place. If all goes according to plan, I should have the brace two weeks after that.

Pearl has been exceptionally cuddly today, making it tricky to do the chores I wanted to accomplish, but I managed to squeeze more than a bit of work out, and now I am procrastinating on making dinner in the hope that maybe we can grab a little nibble outside of the house. If not today, perhaps we can hit Hang 10 for some french fries and/or Dole Whip this weekend, too.

#doodle #selfie #nexusofallrealities #cryptidlife #weekendplans #apr262024

Apr 19 2024

Day 20,164

Earth Day is coming soon! Will you be ready? What are your plans?

We will meet some of Max’s friends for an outdoor visit and a hopefully tasty milkshake at a nearby hot dog shack before the Great Reckoning of Azathoth or whoever munches on us like so many weed edibles on April twentieth, unless we can find a convenient way to continue beyond reality.

Pearl has a pretty solid lead on a way to translate us all into abstract concepts and, hopefully, back again, so we have that going for us. Smart kid.

Hope you have a good one, dear doodle journal.

#doodle #eldritchhorror #earthday #fourtwenty #earthday

Apr 17 2024

Day 20,163

Since I first thought about Nessie (or Chessie, or Champy, or Smithy), I’ve usually envisioned it as a “her”, and like to think that it has some sort of tentacle/antennae/horn dealie-bops on her forehead.

Smithy is an aquatic cryptid rumored to live in Smith Mountain Lake—a large reservoir created in the central highlands of Virginia in the United States by damming the Roanoke River in 1963. The first reported sightings of Smithy began in the summer of 1979. With few exceptions, most reported sightings have occurred very near the Smith Mountain Dam, either shortly after the warning alarms were sounded to signal the periodic activation of the dam’s hydroelectric turbines or while the turbines were running. While some locals speculate Smithy is an unusually large catfish, some sightings suggest this mysterious creature is more serpentine or reptilian in appearance.

#doodle #cryptid #smithy #chessie #nessie #lochnessmonster #chesapeakebaymonster #smithmountainlakemonster #champy #lakechamplainmonster

Apr 16 2024

Day 20,162

Running errands yesterday and today, and the pollen was crazy! 🤧 The black pearl is covered with a fine dusting, and the nooks and crannies are even more caked with yellow particles.

Trees are spreading spores everywhere, and it’s giving folks hay fever. Yet another good reason to wear a mask. I wonder if the one I’m using now will yellow around the area where I inhale over the next few days?

Old phones are now back with Verizon, wiped and ready for wherever they go from here. Not sure what I will do with the 256-gig microSD card. Now I guess I can use it with a game emulator or the 3D printer for models… or maybe juice one of the Pi boxes up in space. I still want to build a Plex server, but that’ll be more of a NAS solution.

#doodle #cryptid #allergies #springtime #carwashsoon

April 15 2024

Day 20,161

Picked up some shaved ice for myself and my sweetie as a midday treat while I was out running errands today (dropping off recycling, FedEx shipping, picking up some lightbulbs from the hardware store, etc., etc., etc.).

Shaved ice was right up my alley, as it was in the mid-80s today, and I haven’t had it in ages—probably pre-COVID.

I got a tropical yum of orange, pineapple, and tangerine for myself, and a half-and-half mixed-berry, grape, and lime for her. (I let her choose, and she went with what I’d hoped she would like.)

It was a fortunate happenstance, because I had initially planned to get bubble tea and a sushi roll for us, but I had forgotten that the Lucky Cat Café is closed on Mondays.

Cooling my heels now, before we make some falafel for dinner.

Hope your Monday was as productive and pleasant, dear doodle journal.

#doodle #apr152024 #cryptid #shavedice #treatyourself