Apr 26 2024

Day 20,172

The weekend looms before us again. I wonder where the nexus of all realities will take us tomorrow? I am guessing a farmers market will be involved, at the very least.

Got some new shoes delivered today. They’ll be repurposed into a brace after I take them to the orthotics/prosthetics place. If all goes according to plan, I should have the brace two weeks after that.

Pearl has been exceptionally cuddly today, making it tricky to do the chores I wanted to accomplish, but I managed to squeeze more than a bit of work out, and now I am procrastinating on making dinner in the hope that maybe we can grab a little nibble outside of the house. If not today, perhaps we can hit Hang 10 for some french fries and/or Dole Whip this weekend, too.

#doodle #selfie #nexusofallrealities #cryptidlife #weekendplans #apr262024