thoughts. is 10 years long enough ago?

Since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the use of nuclear weapons in war has
been prevented but there have been consistent outbreaks of crisis in
which their use was a possibility. The following list summarizes past
incidents in which the United States contemplated the possibility of
using nuclear weapons.

  • 1946, March – Deployment of Soviet Army to Iran
  • 1946, November – Shooting down of US plane by Yugoslavia
  • 1948, January – Inauguration of a new Uraguayan President
  • 1948, Apr-Jun – Sealing off of West Berlin by Soviet Union
  • 1950, June – Break-out of war in Korea
  • 1953, August – Deterioration of Korean War
  • 1954, Apr-May – Offer to supply French in Vietnam w/ A-bomb
  • 1954, May – Guatemala chooses pro-Soviet policy
  • 1945, August – China’s liberation of Taiwan
  • 1958, July – Iraq military coup and Taiwan Strait crisis
  • 1959, May – Berlin issue
  • 1961, June – Berlin issue
  • 1962, October – Cuban missile crisis
  • 1968, January – Seizure of USS Pueblo by North Korea
  • 1968, February – Vietnam War (Battle of Quesan)
  • 1969, November – Intensification of Vietnam War
  • 1970, September – Invasion of Jordan by Syria
  • 1973, October – Desire to halt 4th Middle-East War
  • 1980, January – Desire to halt Iran Crisis
  • 1991, January – Anticipation of chemical weapons use by Iraq in Persian Gulf War