Another sign that Scotto is part sissy-girl:
Weeps at Christmas songs. My face runneth over with tears. At a friggin’ muppet song… ‘Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas’. What a big baby.
Missing my dad…a lot. It hurts, a lot.
Stupid… I should be remembering the good times, and having a smile on my face, happy to have had so many. That’s not what’s happening… I’m remembering the good times, and realising there won’t be any more with him, ever.
It’s been over a decade… when does this shit get easier? It still creeps up on me, and hits like a ton of bricks.
The lines to the song… “let your heart be light, troubles will be miles away…”
*long, sad, sobbing sigh*
Tears are what are needed now, I guess… smiles will follow, as spring follows winter.