swerve mentioned this in her journal, and I think it bears spreading around.
why web journals suck
the bits about saying things about people other than yourself is especially pointed. I’ve seen other folks ‘outed’ here, without their knowledge, and it had no real bearing on the entry, and even worse invasions of a person’s privacy here and there.
Just so you know, I don’t follow many of the Elements Of Excellent And Good Journals listed…
the reason I started a journal here was for a personal journal, and ease of use… before there was such a thing as private entries. now, I can mix and match my eye’s only and ‘sure, you can read it’ quite a lot. that’s mutated a bit, I like sharing lots of stuff with you out there now. I’ve met quite a few nice folks, and I wanted to take a moment to say thank you. For the vast majority, I’ve received a great number of positive strokes, and I think I’ve gotten a few real friends out of this. Thanks, gang.
Why do you folks journal?
Another question is, how do you stay on top of all your friend’s? I try to read all of them, but I cannot. Some days they all post at once, or I have a hard work day, or the net goes down, and they all fly past, like jet fighters at an airshow… I hear some noise, but the physicality is long gone.