The cop was pursuing a guy making an illegal turn, didn’t see my brother on his bike. Nailed him, brother rolled over the hood of the car and then landed pile-driver style on the other end of the car, and blacked out. EMTs showed up, gave him a once over, and Accident control came and took pictures of the accident site. The cop is claiming he was at a full stop, and wrote bro a $80 ticket for “irresponsible use of sidewalk”… Brother’s been to a lawyer, and between the photos, witnesses and other evidence there’s a solid case for dropping the ticket and paying for his hospital bills. The cop’s going to burn… and I say flame on. not excessively, just enough to pay his due.
Tonight, he started having trouble breathing and was throwing up… he’s going to the emergency room as we speak. I think he will be ok… I reinforced a number of times for him to bring my phone number and information, so that if he needs me, he can reach me. (He didn’t want me grabbing a cab and joining him. He’s going to sit tight, fill out forms, and chill.) The EMTs didn’t feel he had a concussion, thank goodness. I’m he’s getting additional treatment… as his regular doctor made him wait yesterday for an hour before saying “we don’t do accidents”… um… what’s that mean? only self-inflicted, deliberate wounds?
So… we’ll see where this goes.