hm. needs work. 3 minute cliche pulp.

The mark made a break for it…I took off after him like a seagull in a hurricane. I turned the corner and spotted my man jumping into a cab so I did the same. He led me across town to a little dive on 13th street and got out of his cab. My boy parked up the block and we watched while Walker looked around for a tail. When he was satisfied he’d given me the shake, he went in. I paid off my cabbie and followed. It was another bar, and Walker wasn’t anywhere in the room. I sat down, ordered a beer and waited. After about ten minutes I saw a couple of guys wander out of a door in the back. A couple of minutes later, a couple of more came wandering out, so I wandered in.

It was a small time gambling setup… the kind you can throw into the back of your car if the cops come. I started getting that lousy feeling again. You don’t just walk into a place like that unless someone wants you to…and if they do, it’s usually because they’ve got a fix so you’ll stay around… maybe permanently. It was about that time I became aware of a lumbering hulk behind me… before I could react, a sharp rap on the back of my skull told me that it was naptime.

The Pentagon has decided to close The Office of Strategic Influence. Do you think they’re just spreading disinformation in saying they are closing it? How do we know if an office whose purpose was to tell lies is being honest when they say they are closing?

I’m having a frozen banana for breakfast…I wish I had some chocolate syrup to dip it into, but it’s still a tasty treat on its own. I’m not sure what it is about ‘nanners, but I can eat just one and be really full. I don’t think I could eat more than two in a sitting, even though I could eat twice that amount in most other foods.

Is “tardbucket” a good insult word? I sort of want to call someone a tardbucket.

Speaking of my last entry and being 10 years old… Here’s some selections from the 1980 JC Penny catalog. I actually had a pair of nikes with the wrong-way swoosh (#2, the blue with the gold)