Jan 28 2024

Lego 40611 – New Year of the Dragon , before and after. Cute and very colorful 214 piece set. I rather like the repurposed saxophones atop the head. #birthdayloot2024 #yearofthedragon #lego40611 #roanokeva https://www.instagram.com/p/C2prxmGOErL/?igsh=bXp1aHVlMWNhMjB4

Jan 28 2024

Day 20,083

future selfie from day 23,000, if this timeline permits.

Don’t go in there You’ll become one Freaky creatures Monster party Eyes of yellow Scales and feathers Tails in tethers Turn the lights off Bend the nightmare You control it Artful dodger Easy does it Shut the closet Get under the covers Snakes and lovers Turn the lights off #doodle #snow #roanokeva #ifimakeit #postapocalyptic #archery #mountains #possiblefuture https://www.instagram.com/p/C2ocbcasfzg/?igsh=MWtya3I2NWg0NnpqcQ==