Jan 3,2024

Day 20,058

Amy is back in parts more Long Islandish, and the inlaws came over for a day of decoration teardown, tech support, cook out quesadillas, and an episode of Shetland.

Mothman FIL chopped up our Tannenbaum for pickup and future mulching by the city, and it wasn’t as traumatic as I was guessing that it might be. (We still have a few fake and lit trees in the hall). All the 3d printed ornaments are back in storage, and the mantle is once again bare, save for TV equipment.

Resting now, doodled while updating MILs laptop for tax season, her fitbit, and played a trifle with the Brynelords that arrived today. Sisto and Harold are back nearby, and I may be taking them out for walkies sometime this week (before possibly snowy Saturday, anyhow) I want to get back up to the hiking stamina I had before my bout with cellulitis.

#cryptid #cryptidfamily #mothman @almsvats @maximillian_deersteak #doodle

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