Jan 26 2024

Day 20,081 Made falafel dinner with baked potatoes last night, and the weather shaman bear cast some kind of springtime spell to make it in the low 70s outside today. No more snow in the mountains, except perhaps in the darkest, coolest shade. Pearl doesn’t seem to mind the weather change in the slightest, sucking on sunbeams where they turn up, snoozing with me and mrs. In-laws are back today, we are catching up with tv and socializing. First on our list, season 4 of Ms Scarlet and the Duke. #doodle #misspearl #catsofinstagram #tabbycatsofinstagram #stripedcatsofinstagram #roanokeva #jan262024 @pearlsquirrel https://www.instagram.com/p/C2lSwccsHMD/?igsh=OXlvdDdtcWk5c28=

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