Apr 13 2024

Day 20,159

Painted pig update: another several coats of paint, a rainbow, really, but maybe a little messier than some others. I’m curious to know what “yellow better” means.

Also, there’s an old sign for Kenny’s Big K Burger. Sounds like a good deal for just a little over four bits.

#paintedpig #traditionalart #salemva #vintagesign

Day 20,156 I have had a Red Dead Redemption/Planet of the Apes mashup on the brain lately, and I want a mod to play as a simian. Space monkeys are great, but I just can’t get enough cowboy apes, maybe because they are so rare. I got to see the taxidermied gorilla in RDR2 (in the region of West Elizabeth) and the Sasquatch in Tall Trees in RDR, so why not? #doodle #reddeadredemption2 #reddeadredemption #rdr #rdr2 #planetoftheapes #pota #cowboy #monkey #gorilla #ape #johnmarston https://www.instagram.com/p/C5lfTmoOGe2/?igsh=MXR2eHA3aHlja2N6OA==

Bonanza season 1 ep 31 Dark Star

“The danger is in the flesh, not the fantasy.” – Ben Cartwright

Little Joe in a whip vs gunfight!

An exorcism!

Holy cow! A Romani woman, accused of being a witch and a shapeshifting timber wolf, is nearly sacrificed to Asmodeus and his nine white dogs… but is rescued just in time.

Ultimately, Little Joe wants to marry her, but she is a fish, and he, a tree, so it was not meant to be.

Beware of the many unkind stereotypes about the Romani people.


Wed Apr 10 2024

Day 20,156

I have had a Red Dead Redemption/Planet of the Apes mashup on the brain lately, and I want a mod to play as a simian. Space monkeys are great, but I just can’t get enough cowboy apes, maybe because they are so rare.

I got to see the taxidermied gorilla in RDR2 (in the region of West Elizabeth) and the Sasquatch in Tall Trees in RDR, so why not?

#doodle #reddeadredemption2 #reddeadredemption #rdr #rdr2 #planetoftheapes #pota #cowboy #monkey #gorilla #ape #johnmarston

Apr 9 2024

Day 20,155

Just a grumpy Apeonaut in a corridor, wondering where his bag of juice is.

Today was a pretty standard Tuesday.

Let’s see, what were the good things about today?

I learned that @hang10iceandcream reopens on Friday (some dandy french fries and Dole Whip in our future)!

I turned off the TV’s auto-smoothing (watching Dinosaur with it on was making me a little dizzy).

I learned the word “judder” – to shake violently or with great force (possibly a mix of “jolt” and “shudder”?).

I found out that Amy is coming back to visit at the beginning of July!

I found a new place to go for walks; I may get out there tomorrow or Thursday.

Pearl snoozed briefly on my head last night. (She usually is Max’s pillow-pal.

#doodle #apeonaut #hang10

April 08 2024

Day 20,154

Eclipse day! We didn’t get full coverage, but we got all but a small wedge. Pearl wasn’t worried about the change at all, and we very nearly didn’t get to see anything, but the clouds parted enough to make things viewable just at the final moments of the best parts of the event.

I imagine that all the wood folk and the mountain beasts did just fine.

#eclipse #doodle @maximillian_deersteak @pearlsquirrel @scottobear #selfie #apr082024 #Appalachia

April 6 2024

Day 20,152 β˜€οΈπŸŒΈ

A gentle Saturday. We went out with the in-laws and visited the first farmers’ market of the season. We admired all the Kwanzan cherry trees along the way. We picked up a few baked goods from @blacksburgbagels and some lovely plates and bowls from @ishadevinepottery.

Then we returned home to move the old couch out so the new couch could take its place. Pearl is enjoying all the hubbub and a little packing tissue from one of rhe bowls.

The in-laws are likely heading back to the Bay tomorrow morning, so hopefully we can have a little fun before they leave. CB is doing their taxes, so we will reconnect when they are finished. With any luck, that will be before too long.

#SaturdayVibes #FarmersMarket #misspearl #HomeImprovement #doodle #woodsybear #cryptid

#cappyspace does brilliant work. I love the green aquatic folks called #Brynelords and #mischievers. Fab sculpts, and I am a sucker for his colors. #glyoscompatible #glyos #modulartoys https://www.instagram.com/p/C5ZcjhFOGio/?igsh=ZHRqeTJkNGIxYzdq

Fri April 5 2024

Day 20,151 🌳🌸🌼 Took a little trip to Green Hill park and areas nearby to get some fresh air and look at some of the local flora and fauna. The kwanzan cherry trees and dogwoods were especially lovely, and the bluebell and trillium were in heavy bloom along with a nice dosage of phlox here and there. Of course, we brought the in-laws and @maximillian_deersteak along on the trip. We made sure to stop by @bohobake bakery for some delicious cookies. (The lemon blueberry scones are really yummy.) #naturelover #springtime #outdoors #doodle #salemva #kwanzancherry #apr052024 https://www.instagram.com/p/C5ZMhMTud2a/?igsh=b3RkNm04Z3djcXow