Going to hit the sack in about 30 min…
I feel like I have too many irons in the fire… stories to write, programs to produce, a Halloween costume to create, skills in assorted areas to polish.
I’ve got mixed feelings, good, that I’m able to produce… but bad that there are only so many hours in the day to create and learn. I suppose that it’s just a matter of prioritizing, and letting things go where they will.
I found out that Karen and Carmen are now so far on the outs, cohabitation is no longer a valid option. 🙁 that’s too bad, because they’re both very nice people. Well, I can only hope that they manage to find more comfortable living arrangements soon.
The cold seems to be abating, anyway. While I was out sick, Ex-bosses son’s wife turned in her resignation, after telling everyone at the company that the ex-boss would be returning in 2 weeks to take over the workplace again. if that happens, the company will fold as a result of the mass exodus of programmer-folk. Nobody is willing to go back to his regime again, after discovering what working for a real corp is like. As a daughter company to Ramada, we’ve been losing money via bad times for travelling. If we got rid of Ex-boss’s son, that’d free up six large figures for the company to use…. he’s the general manager there now, and all he’s generally managing to do is hide in his office behind locked doors, surfing the web for a 5 or less hour day. He recently pointed fingers at me for surfing and working, which was an attempt to remove blame from himself. Now, I’ve got tracking software installed, monitoring everyone’s “surfitude” I’m poisoning the well a little, only surfing LJ or non-cool sites via Mr laptop. (The reason this post is friend’s only… I know Terri reads my journal without a membership via my homepage.)
I’ve since been assured by the powers above that Wally won’t be returning, and Ramada has stated that Wally’s not only not returning, but there’s a restraining order keeping him from the premises. I will withhold taking that as gospel, but give a good 90-95% chance that Wally won’t be returning.
Enough gabbing about work.
Saw the ‘first contact’ episode of enterprise last night (the only episode I’ve seen, save for the pilot.) It wasn’t bad, but there wasn’t too much to it. guy goes over, touches alien, comes back and finds out he’s preggers, then the crew seeks the aliens back out. That’s really about it. I give it a 5 of 10. blah. Nothing counting for it, but not against it, either. I imagine if the next ep I see is the same, I’ll watch it if I see it, but won’t actively seek it out. (sort of as it stands now.)
I really don’t watch much tube, unless my sweetie is around. Current fun is MAD TV, an episode of COPS, adult swim on the cartoon network, or some discovery channel. I’ll tune in for a meal maybe, but I really don’t have anything that I *must see* to the exclusion of something else.
smallville? Mutant X? nah. maybe in reruns A pity they sacked the lone gunmen.
Ah well. going to lay down and read some Dhalgren for a bit before drifting off. say, when did amazon start putting sample pages in the entries? neat! anyhow, I got the book about a year ago, and pulled it out of a book box after my shelves entry. Looks good! *picks up newtie, and heads for bed*
nigh night.